Puppy Information


Before submitting a puppy application, please familiarize yourself with the following sales policy and ownership requirements. We take pride in every litter produced at PacificGate, and we strive to find the best possible homes to suit each individual puppy’s needs.

It is important to understand that we match our pups to clients based on temperament, drive and specific client needs. We know that it’s easy to fall in love with a specific puppy based on looks alone, but we spend countless hours observing and evaluating puppies from the moment they are born, and feel much more confident matching people to puppies based on personality to ensure the best fit. 

We DO NOT breed dogs for coat color, and there is no guarantee that any pairing will produce pups of any specific color. 

At PacificGate, our puppies are our family. Once you get your puppy, we are not just going to disappear and leave you, we are here for you, for the duration of your dog’s life. Our contract includes a genetic health guarantee, and also our expectations to uphold our customers to providing their puppy a good life. We require our contract be signed the day before pick up, via doc-u-sign. Cash is required at pick up, or electronic payment the night before (if local pick up) so that there is no “hang up” at pickup if there is not internet access. 

Our main requirements for puppy buyers are: 

  • Spaying/Neutering your puppy. It’s no secret that not every dog should be bred, we take breeding very seriously, and do not sell our puppies to breeding homes unless we personally know and have experience with the breeder inquiring. We do suggest that you wait to spay/neuter your puppy until he/she is at least 2 years old so that your puppy can fully develop both mentally and physically prior to being fixed and taking away their hormones. We do offer advice on how to keep your dog from having an accidental litter, we value honesty. 

  • Returning your puppy to us if you can’t keep him/her. We keep track of our puppies for life. Part of being our duty as responsible breeders is ensuring our puppies do not ever, ever end up in a shelter, rescue, puppy mill, back yard breeder, or any other third party besides the original puppy buyer. We will take our puppies back at any age, regardless of condition, if our customers can not keep their pup. Our contract does NOT allow our puppies to be rehomed or resold to a third party by the puppy buyer, and we reserve the sole right to evaluate whether or not puppies are suitable to be rehomed. Please do NOT inquire about a pup from us if you don’t intend to uphold this. 

  • Providing updates on your puppy. It is very important for us to receive updates every few months from puppy buyers. This is to help ensure us that the puppy is being well cared for, is maturing nicely and has a good temperament. We want our customers to feel comfortable reaching out to us with questions about training, health, or anything else. We are there for our puppy buyers no matter what.

We strive to place our puppies in forever loving homes, and ensure that they have the best life possible. 



Companion puppies are perfect for those looking for a beautiful and healthy pet dog. These pups have been evaluated from a young age, and although they have not been chosen to remain in the breeding program, they are still guaranteed to be sound family companions.

Companion puppies will not be cropped*, and are required to be sterilized. Dogs sold as companions may not be bred.

The price of a puppy includes:

  • Age appropriate vaccinations and worming

  • 26-month health and temperament warranty

  • AKC limited registration with completed papers sent directly to clients

  • AKC microchip with lifetime activation/registration

Puppies will be matched to clients based on temperament and individual client needs.

*cropping for Beauceron puppies is optional, paid at buyers expense



About breeding rights: We do not sell dogs for the sole purpose of breeding. Any dog sold as a show prospect is just that- a prospective show dog. Until that dog is proven to be of breeding quality through titling and appropriate health testing, it should not be bred.

To maintain correct breed type, all show prospect Beaucerons are required to have their ears cropped unless the client lives in a country in which cropping is forbidden.

The price of a puppy includes:

  • Ear crop (for Beaucerons)

  • Age appropriate vaccinations and worming

  • 26-month health and temperament warranty

  • AKC registration with completed papers sent directly to clients

  • AKC microchip with lifetime activation/registration



The Beauceron was originally bred to work, and therefore requires more commitment from owners than the average house dog. Potential owners must understand that, in order to raise a happy, well adjusted Beauceron, certain training, housing and exercise requirements must be met.


  • Beaucerons are highly intelligent, and respond well to balanced, consistent training. Because of their working heritage, they can often display dominant, bossy behaviors while growing up, and need an owner willing to learn proper techniques to correct and guide them in the right direction. (insert training resources?)

  • Beaucerons require extensive socialization, especially at an early age. Owners should be able to take their puppy out into new situations for socialization at least twice a week.

  • Beaucerons bond closely with their family, and prefer to be by their owners’ side. If a potential owner is gone for more than 10 hours every day for most of the week, a Beauceron may not be the ideal breed for them.

  • If there are children in the home, kids and dogs should not ever be left unattended. Proper boundaries should be taught to both children and puppy to ensure a safe relationship.


  • Beaucerons should be crate trained from an early age to ensure that they can be safely contained while their owner is away. That being said, Beaucerons should not spend all their time in a crate. 

  • Beaucerons need room to run! They are large, active herding dogs, so a properly fenced yard and plenty of opportunities to exercise are a must. 

  • Beauceron puppies need to bond to their families first and foremost, so potential buyers should ensure there is a minimum of 8 months between the arrival of a Beauceron puppy and any other puppies. Young puppies can bond to each other instead of their owners if raised together, which will lead to behavioral issues down the line.

  • Basic obedience training classes are a must. The Beauceron is a large breed and needs to be under control at all times. The owner needs to be prepared to set aside time to personally take the puppy to class for socialization and training. 

  • Anyone considering the purchase of a Beauceron should realize that purchasing top quality food, affording secure containment, attending obedience classes and seeking proper veterinary care for a dog is expensive. Buyers should be financially stable with sufficient disposable income before considering a Beauceron.


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